Wednesday, August 10, 2005


It is hard for me to put into words what I am passionate about. Most often my passion is shown through stories of amazing experiences that happen at work. I want to share these great stories, but without stepping over the boundaries of my patients' privacy. However, after much consideration, I have a wonderful story to share:

Every day as I drive to work I say a prayer. I try to pray for what I feel God is laying on my heart at the time. There have been many prayers for Darin and I's grandparents recently, my friend Sarah who was in Russia and for my parents, sisters, family and friends. I always conclude with a prayer about my day at work. It usually goes similar to this:

Lord I pray that you will use me for your will today at work. I pray that you let me be a light to my patients and that they will see your love through my actions. I pray that you will allow me to bond with them. Allow me to contribute effectively so that they will have the best birth experience ever. I pray that you will bless my hands as I care for them. I pray that you will keep my mind clear, if a tough situation arises I pray that you will guide the patient through and that you will guide me in making the right decisions. Amen

The prayer really prepares me for work and reminds me that God is in control of everything and every situation that may come my way, good or bad.

Yesterday, I had such a spiritual experience and answer to prayer with my patient and her family that I had to talk about it.

When receiving report about my patient I was informed that she was "religious" like it was going to hinder my care or something. I was kind of disappointed that the night shift nurse felt obligated to "warn" me about that. I was excited and credited me choosing this patient as a GOD THING. When I met my patient I did the usual assessment and questioning and discovered that this woman's prior birth experience was traumatic and that fueled her questioning and possible distrust of the night shift nurse.

Right away we bonded. I figured it was because I listened to her and explained to her what the day would hold for her induction of labor and what the outcomes may be. When her OB came in he did exactly what I had predicted him to do and that gained some more trust for my patient. She informed the physician that I was a great nurse and he agreed, which is always good to hear. (Sorry if that sounded cocky, it wasn't supposed to.) It was then she asked the doctor to pray with her and her husband. We all prayed together over the induction and delivery. After this point, it was as if the Lord was said, " DON'T YOU SEE I ANSWERED YOUR PRAYERS!" The patient informed me that she had prayed for a Christian nurse. I told her she definitely got one, and that I had prayed for her too! So our bonding had nothing to do with my nursing care, it was all God's planning.

With the praise and worship blasting over the stereo all day, we talked about our churches and lives and our beliefs, and so much more. It was really a blessing to see how much faith this family had. Without going into detail, their previous experience with birth was so traumatic that it was a miracle that they where having another child. They had given it up to the Lord so much that they did not even use birth control for 2 and a half years because they knew that they Lord would give them what they could handle and when they could handle it. So now their kids are spaced 2 and a half years apart...Perfect!

When it was time for her to start pushing a friend of the patient called knowing she needed to pray for her, so we prayed again. It was amazing how strong the presence of the Lord was in the room. We were all moved to tears and the patient was reaffirmed that she was going to be taken care of. She only pushed just a little while and then she delivered a beautiful baby girl, without out any complications or major repairs to the mom!

What a joyous thing for this family. It was such a blessing to be a part of it all. To top it all off their baby and I share a middle name, FAITH. Which was so evident through out the day, it was only appropriate. I love what I do!


Blogger sarahgrace said...

Hannah, I know you told it to me on the phone today already, but it made me almost cry reading it again. I'm so glad you are doing what you love and you're sooo good at it. I'm proud of you sis. You're the best!

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hannah, That is how I pray for you when I know your off to work,We serve an awesome God,I am so thankful to be a part of His story,and a member of His loving family.You dont know -yet- what it feels like to be blessed with children such as you,your sisters as well!!But, like I said,Its,gonna be good.:)I think it is interesting that we have been created and designed for a relationship with God ,That is our primary reason for our exitstance-relationship- I find it wonderful,that God makes families -children- husbands ,family & friends,for our own blessing as well,because after all we are created in His own image. And here you are right in the middle of all that blessing.The real tragedy is when people are so unaware of the miracle of what is taking prayer is that you will have open doors to share the miracle of God ( after all life itself is a miracle) to those who sleep.- so now you know where you get the long winded stuff from-hehe. not to mention ,Sarahs sermons:)-Mom

11:27 AM  

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