Friday, July 29, 2005

Yeah! I can post pictures now!

This is me and my personality
(no, it's a shirt, not lingerie)

The CAT Kodiak Diesel

This is the monster thats gonna make us some Money$!

Grass is always Greener

Finally! I apologize for being terrible about posting here lately. I have been working 4 days a week delivering babies and usually three of those days are in a row. I actually have spent quite a bit of time with my sister Sarah trying to figure out how to make this blog more SPICED up with links and pictures. I'm still working on the pictures thing. I must say, it is amazing that people have the patience to create huge web pages. I am glad someone likes to do it.
I will continue to perfect this process. So much for being bored anymore. Between working over time (so I can go an a nice anniversary vacation), starting this new business, and fostering this new bloggin' hobby I have lost my free time. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side! Have no fear though, I am happy.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Arizona EZ Events

We are just a few weeks from officially starting our business. Arizona EZ Events. The company is an inflatable parties rental. We will rent out bounces, AKA moonwalks, bounce houses. Etc etc. We do have a website which you may choose to see but with warning that it is bare minimum right now, our logo isn't on there, and really our actual bounces are not posted on there either. But if you want to see what I am talking about there are pictures. The page was just a rough draft to get it out there. is the address.

Yesterday we actually bought a gigantic truck to haul all these things around. Every time I go outside of my house (which is rare, its too freakin hot!) I am startled to see this miniature semi sitting in my drive way. The truck is similar to those Uhaul trucks that have the big box on the back for packing, except it is a lot bigger. The engine is a CAT diesel engine if that tells you anything. It has a 100 gallon tank and runs on 6 tires. I am sure if my husband was reading this he would just die. There are probably more technical terms for me to use. OH well.

We got such a great deal though. The truck only has 13,000 miles on it. A diesel engine does not even get broke in till 90,000 miles. It was ASU's delivery truck for around campus and only averaged 3 miles a day. It is 13 years old, but like brand new. Plush velvelt brown seats! We paid $14,000 for it. We are so excited because now we don't have to buy two trailers, or a shed, and we don't have to put ware and tear on our own trucks. Not to mention our bodies. The truck also has an automatic lift gate so we won't have to struggle to pack the 300-1200 lbs bounces.

Hopefully we will start making enough money to pay this thing off through the business. Which is the plan. I really need to learn how to post pictures so you can see what the heck I am talking about.

We're Having a Heat Wave, a Tropical Heat Wave

Have you seen the news on Phoenix lately? It sucks here. We are having "heat wave " in one of the already hottest places in America. 13 people have died this week from heat, and that is just here in Phoenix. Some temps are worse. Lake Havasu city has been in the 120's all week. Blah.... To make it worse we are getting these residual storms, monsoons, from the hurricane Emily, which have just been rip-roaring through the valley. The other night we were driving home from the inlaws and had to keep diverting our path because there were Palo Verde (green bark trees) and palm trees rooted up and fallen all over the place. When we got home we noticed our power was out, shingles missing from our roof, the back yard looked like some kids toilet papered our trees with orange plastic warning tape. The worse part about it was that is was still 116 outside. With out any electricity we have no airconditioning....
We went to a friends house for a few hours and came back, but the power was still out. We ended up sleeping in wet t-shirts. It actually wasn't that bad. The t-shirts really didn't even feel wet. If we ever got hot we just fanned our shirts a little bit and it work just like and evaporative cooler. I think the electricity came on around 2am. Making it a grand total of 10hours being off. Apparently we were lucky 400 people didn't have power for 48 hours.
Unfortunately I have to go grocery shopping to restock the refrigerator since every thing went bad. At least I needed to go prior to thise anyway.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Phantom Fox

Man, I am bummed. I was sitting here thinking of a good title and I wished I had thought of it sooner. It would have been perfect for a Blog title. Oh well.
Last night I was explaining to my husband that I had started a blog. I explained how it was kind of like a therapy for my laziness because after my first posting I got this sudden urge to clean the house and get all these things done, and I actually had the energy to do it! It was like my inner competitive self was out to prove me wrong! I got so much done, I was shocked. I even vacuumed the couch and washed windows!
Well, this info prompted my husband to remember that he was a member of something similar but it is a Motor Advice club. He quickly gets on to check the Jaguar section to see if any one had benefited from his previous posted advice. The funny part of this is that all the people who post on the site, (especially if they are mechanics giving advice) make sure they have a profile on their level of expertise. Well, my husband likes to leave that portion blank just for fun. The administrator of the website, who is a ASE Master certified jaguar and Land Rover technition for 10 years keeps requesting him to provide more information on his qualifications. So my husband, the phantom Fox, just keeps answering questions about different problems with Jaguars. Everyone takes his advice too, he has received many thanks for finding the right answer. It just so happens that the administrator of the website answers several questions as well, so it seems like it has become a competition between to the two. The Phantom Fox is not necessarily enjoying himself because he his helping others, but because he is creating this illusion that he is a non certified mechanic and is answering and helping all these people much more than the highly trained Administrator. He sits at the computer typing advice and chuckling to himself giving these simple answers in few sentences and waiting for the Administrator to try and get an edge in somehow.
By the way, my husband is an ASE Gold Master certified Jaguar technition with 6 years of experience. Men are so funny. I am sure he does get enjoyment of being able to help others. That is part of who my husband is. But the part that make it a hobby, is the competition.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

What's wrong with me?

So, here I am wasting another day off. I have loads of laundry to do and even more clean laundry folded and stacked on my kitchen table. It seems to be my trend lately. I am getting things done...But not really. I used to be this amazing super-efficient person that could do five things at once and now lately I have been struggling to push start on my washing machine. What's wrong with me?
I have two theories: Theory #1 When I am at work I am doing about five hundred different things all at once. Managing the laboring woman, her family, husband, boyfriend, FOB, not to mention the baby who only speaks to me through the rhythm of its heartbeat. Making sure the labor is progressing along the time line between the physicians office visits and lunch meetings (What a joke). Not to mention actually fostering a relationship with my patient--trying to get a total stranger to bond with me so that their birth experience can be the best experience for all those involved. By the time a baby or two or three is born under my care, I am tired when I get home. That my be an understatement, I think that because that I am doing all this coordination, and care and this and that, by the time I get home and have a day off, all I can manage to do is mope around the house.
Theory #2 I think I may have a thyroid problem. (Be glad if you don't work in the medical field, there's always something wrong with you) If you ask anyone that knows me very well, it is a little out of the ordinary that I am unmotivated to do much as of late. I think I have a thyroid problem because of several reasons, some of which are very embarrassing to me. I have decreased energy, I get freezing cold all the time, I have frequent headaches, dry skin, weight changes, and the number one reason and most embarrassing.....I get facial hair!!!! YIKES. Yes it is true, I am 23 and I spend about 15 minutes a day examining my face and neck for the pesty little, dark wiry hairs that decide to pop up. I don't have a beard or anything, but it is definitely way out of the ordinary fro someone my age to be experiencing this. I am not going through menopause or anything. So, I need to make a doctors appointment, have my blood drawn and probably get an ultrasound done.
So those are my theories. I guess that is one more thing I need to do today, make an appointment. I suppose I will get around to it, as soon as I get that laundry started...